--interesting, Do you sell anything in theis store that made itself--?
- prologos
This is a falacious arguement on two accounts. Firstly, it's a false equivication. Everything in the store was not "made" in the same sense that the universe was "made." Everything in the store is the rearangment of positive energy. The universe, however, comes from the quantum fluctuations of equal amounts of negitive and postive energy. Thier orgins are entirely different in the sense that your trying to equate them.
Secondly, this arguement is also bad inductive reasoning. It's like saying, "all sheep have mothers - therefore the flock must have a mother." Or like saying, "all water drops are round - therefore all oceans must be round." What applies to the individual parts does not neccissarly apply to the whole. What applies to the formation of things inside the universe does not neccissarly apply to the formation of the universe itself.
the theory still posits that something very potent existed from the very beginning and something caused a disturbance in that field.
- Apognophos
This is not true. The theory postits that "nothing" is inherently unstable and will seek a lower entropy. Thus, quantum fluctuations. It does not say that "something" causes it.
we have no right at this time to say which of those two causes, God or random energy fluctuations, is more likely
- Apognophos
Quantum fluctuations are known to exists. Gods are NOT known to exists. Your arguement is like saying, "We can't know which two causes, General Motors or magical pixies, is more likely to have created all Corvetts."
You cannot solve one mystery with another mystery. You cannot explain one unknown by postulating the existance of another unknown. And you certainly can't say an unknown is as likely as a known. Knowns are ALWAYS more likely.